Fallenstein All-Inclusive Playground Coming Next Summer

NORTH MANKATO, Minn. - The Mankato Area Foundation and the North Mankato Miracle league hold a ceremony to dedicate a portion of Caswell Park to an all-inclusive playground next to Fallenstein baseball field.

The foundation announces a 2 to 1 matching grant for up to 60 thousand dollars to the Miracle League of North Mankato at today’s ceremony.

“I’m excited for the Fallenstein Playground because regular playgrounds are difficult for me to get around in. The pure rock and wood chips make my wheelchair get stuck. I like to play with my friends and be included in all the fun. Thank you for building this playground for all the kids like me," Madison Harbarth said. 

The grant was distributed as part of a gift from the Fallenstein Family fund and other funds at the Foundation.

The park will be named Fallenstein Playground in memory of Al and Erla Fallenstein. Read Full Story